Monitor, Measure, Report & Verify

Environmental insights platform to de-risk nature based projects

Data with integrity

Trusted by  


Carbon, Water, Biodiversity. Connected impact metrics from nature to measure and monitor ecosystem health. Building the trust to scale high integrity credits and contributions for robust impact driven nature-based carbon markets.


Forecast metrics on water quality and quantity. Data to enable industry and society to collectively quantify the value of integrated water resource management projects for climate resilience planning and adaption.


Regeneration and conservation projects need to be transparent in how they generate value for local economies and communities. We provide independent data metrics to support local, national and international policy, planning and reporting contributions.

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We provide a complete, independent solution to :


Climate instability is changing how we measure and account for impact. We provide baseline risk assessments of nature based projects (Carbon, Water, Nature) to benchmark impact measurement for true market value creation.


Audit your processes and access data-driven evidence for remediation and regeneration. Scenario planning and continuous monitoring of mitigation activities.

Report & Comply

Independently verified data for regulatory and compliance reporting. Enabling project developers, registries and Investors to go beyond and accurately value nature based projects in realtime for climate mitigation and adaptation.



By combining multi-source realtime data, enhanced by machine learning, we are able to support consistent, repeatable and scalable data-driven services.


Skilled, multidisciplinary team using all available knowledge and data sources for impartial and independent assessment and monitoring.


Integrating local and global models, research and know-how developed over 35 years and already proven in over 120 river catchments.

How we deliver our solutions to you

API First

Our Application Programming Interface enables the integration of  carbon, water & related data into existing software applications or systems in real-time. The supply of reliable data enables good decision-making while promoting trust and collaboration among multiple stakeholders.


We provide standardised and bespoke visual and numerical reports on carbon and water metrics to monitor ecosystem health and to meet financial audit and compliance requirements. Our reports conform to the latest standards and regulations established by national and international carbon and nature reporting frameworks applicable to relevant jurisdictions.


Aquascope customised decision ready dashboards allowing users to monitor operational performance, identify risks and trends, set up alerts and make quick, informed decisions. Our inights can simplify large-scale land and water resource monitoring making data relevant, understandable and actionable for multiple stakeholders operating in shared watersheds.

What Drives Our Reporting

Aquascope optimises a unique combination of proven process based models, local knowledge and site-sampling. Combining the latest satellite remote sensing derivatives and machine learning technologies allows us to open access to the most detailed data set ensuring timely observations of changes in land, water and carbon under any scenario that cannot be acheived with each method in isolation.

A satellite in space.


New satellites, sensors and rapid commercialisation are enabling us to collect and process more data faster and at increasingly reduced costs. Multiple derivatives from satellites such as chlorophyll-a, suspended sediments and temperature are used in combination with our modelled, fixed and sampled sensor data to provide increasing precision and accuracy for time sensitive ecosystem monitoring.

A Pie chart and a graph.


Aquascope integrates site-level data from catchment water quality models developed by our team over the past 35 years and published in scientific research. This wealth of expertise and knowledge is woven into Aquascope, along with other models, enabling us to continually and autonomously enhance our real-time water and carbon forecasting and scenario planning capabilities, which can be scaled to any location.

A man taking water samples from a river.

Sensors & Sampling

Data derived from satellites and models needs to be tested and calibrated to be trusted. Our platform can ingest data from strategically placed, connected, real-time sensors and other in-situ and sampled water data to maintain optimal accuracy, precision and efficiency. All data is auditable and is under continuous improvement using our Machine Learning algorithms.